Sunday, May 22, 2011

Good morning tata and the blessing

Good morning tata and the blessing. With all due respect in that you have to the babalawos, because I've never heard anything from you, because here master Mexico there are no worth or a fair, as you qualify the santeros, as for example there are santeros and santeras are closed in the Holy and the priateses here better you mother, for the simple echo find weights, are not able to tell you not can do this or the other, what you are interested in is the fair. Is that you always have an answer to my question. Eladio morales Oyadina.
Eladio Holy and good morning to you too and your old.
1 - Your question you I will reply.
2 - There are decent Honorable oluos and they know what they do in their field.
3 - Be Babalawos my respect for them.
3-But also there is Blabalawos, as well as this implementation that Word, blabalawos that do not deserve my respect, because blabalawos are those who live with ahijadas and say that it is a treaty which has orumila, lie that nothing else knows these corrupt blabalawos without morality, blablawos are all those who are relaxed as nana sague, which are the plan camacho, who like him entering a female than a male, blabalawos who do not have a single drop of concept discussed with women as if they were the same as they made to the by your with them, for me are a crap, because they do not know the word respect and then tell call awo Orumila, if Orumila has so many good concepts that they never have apredido.
These corrupt santeros abound in the corners, oriateses that are not worth a damn sold for the damn money, than by the they do anything, santeros who claim to be paleros and money rayan fags, that for me that raya fags also are. With this I'm not saying anything bad of the fasendas, because there are many who deserve more respect than those santeros who claim to be men and committed all these terrible things for money as it has the same adjective to the blabalawoswhich are a few kalafias sold home, that a trail of shit what they miss in the religion, if so as only it can be called tanks of shit, I'm tired of so much crap, so I have thought of moving to the Moon, so not me embaren of shit. There are also those santeros that without pinaldo or delivered mat have echo the fifiokan. That this all Oyadina. Entuala Kongo Lage

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