Friday, May 6, 2011

The Book of treaties and covenants of the Palo Mayombe.

THE book of treaties and covenants of the Palo Mayombe.
Treated in Palo Mayombe ---------------------------------------- 1-2.
Dedicación -------------------------------------------------------------3.
These are the rules of the Palo Mayombe ------------------------- 4.

The arrival of the slaves in Cuba------------------------------ - 5-6.
Treaties of Luceros and the burden that takes each one ---- 7-28.
As working with the Patipembas------------------------------ 29-80.
Proud of the treaties and covenants--------------------------- 81-84.

Water Kongoro-------------------------------------------------- 85-89.
The territory and the pier of the patipembas -------------- 90-100.
(Ten steps that need to know a tata nkiza--------------- - 101-102 .
Tried dog Nganga --------------------------------------------103-105.

Me dating back to the topic--------------------------------- 106-108.
To prepare amulets (reserves) ------------------------------ 109-118.
The modernism of the paleros of today ------------------- 119-120.
Baths, health, money, and love?------------------------- - 121-123.!

I will talk about the history of Palo Mayombe-------- ---124-125.
Dear readers because it is the Mayombe --------------- --126-127.
Treaty of retirees above nganga------------------------- -- 128-132.

Treaty of seven tombs -------------------------------------- 133-135.
Questions to consider---------------------------------------- 136-139.
My name is Eladio Mexico March 16, 2003--------------140-142.

I speak of ancient Africa ----------------------------------- 143-145.
What is palo Monte mayombe and Briyumba ----------- 146-147.
Rules without leaving tradition ---------------------------- 148-151.

Child without nation ---------------------------------------- 152-154.
The sad story of a Babalawo------------------------------ - 155-159.
Not all people were born to be Gangulero-------------- - 160-162.

Before all---------------------------------------------------- - 163-165.
The first tatas facts arrive 7 Mpaka ----------------------- 166-167.
Traitor of Kimbiza, briyumba and Mayombe---------- - 168-169.

Narradada by Maria Cristina Henao----------------------- 170-171.
The greatest thing in history ------------------------------- 172-173.
The fraud of Rubén González Pérez----------------------- 174-177.
Things that happen in Mexico with religion --------------178-179.
The great scam--------------------------------------------- - 180-182.
Testimony--------------------------------------------------- - 183-184.
The inventions of an Italian Kimbiza---------------------185-186.

1SBN 978-0-9842901-7-8 0-9842901-7-6

Read it and you feed so many never such things, treaties and covenants of the religion. It is now on sale in format P.D.F. thanks to you readers.

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