Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Book of Treaties and Covenants of Palo Mayombe.

The Book of Treaties and Covenants of Palo Mayombe.
Palo Mayombe Treaties -------------------------------------- 1.
Literally property registered in 2011 ---------------------- 2.
Dedication ------------------------------------------------------ 3.
These are the rules of Palo Mayombe ---------------------- 4.

The arrival of slaves to Cuba ----------------------------- 5-6.
Treaties Luceros and each charge carried ----------- 7-28.
As you work with Patipembas ------------------------- 29-80.
Proud of Treaties and Agreements -------------------- 81-84.

Water Kongor --------------------------------------- ---- 85-89.
The territory and the landing of patipembas ------- 90-100.
The (ten steps you need to know a -----nkiza tata 101-102.
Nganga Dog Treaty ---------------------------------- 103-105.
Sue dating back to------------------------------------- 106-108.
To prepare Amulets -----------------------------------109-116.
The Tatas work with the mysteries of Palos------- 117-118.

Modernism of the stokers in today ----------------- 119-120.
Baths, Baldeo, Health, Money, and Love ?-------- 121-124.

I talk about the history of Palo Mayombe ---------125-126.
Dear Readers, Because it is the Mayombe -------- 127-128.
Treaty of retired top nganga --------------------- 129-131.
Best of my life "------------------------------------- 132-133.

Treaty of the seven tombs -------------------------- 134-136.
Questions to consider -------------------------------- 137-140.
My name is Eladio Mexico March 16, 2003 ------141-143.

I speak of ancient Africa ----------------------------- 144-146.
What is Palo Monte Mayombe and Briyumba ----147-148.
Rules without breaking tradition ------------------- 149-152.
Son without nation -----------------------------------153- 155.
The sad story of a Babalawo ------------------------ 156-160.
Not everyone is born to be Gangulero ----------- 161-163.

First of all ----------------------------------------------164-166.
The first tatas facts above 7 Mpaka---------------- 167-168.
The great traitor Mayombe Briyumba and----------69-170.

By Maria Cristina Henao Narradada --------------- 171-172.
The biggest story ------------------------------------- 173-174.
Fraud Rubén González Pérez ----------------------- 175-178.
Things happen in Mexico Religion ---------------- 179-180.
The Hoax - ---------------------------------------------181-184.
Testimony ------------------------------------------ --- 185-186.
The inventions of Italian Kimbiza -------------- -------- 187.
Read it and feed so many things unsaid, treaties and covenants of religion. You are now on sale P.D.F. format Thanks to you readers.

The cost of this book is priced at $ 79.99.

For, Domingo B. Lage
1SBN 978-0-9842901-7-8 0-9842901-7-6
Phone (760) 265-9070

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