Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Indix. History Has Repeated Vol. II.

Indix. History Has Repeated Vol. II.
Gurufinda------------------------------------------------------# 10-11.
My witness Cabo Vela----------------------------------------#12-14.
I am not a Critic of the Religions, buta defender----------#15-16.
History do not Change---------------------------------------#17-19.
Agreement to mount a Kidembata------------------------------#20.
I dedicate his edition----------------------------------------------#21.
Treaty to do a tie-----------------------------------------------#22-23.
Agreement of the Mambos-----------------------------------#24-29.
The godparents are like parents------------------------------#30-34.
Nor I am an Unexpectd Gangulero-------------------------# 35-39.
The Treaty, of Katiyembe-----------------------------------#40-41..
Treaty to Untie a Peson-------------------------------------------#42.
For the Enemies---------------------------------------------------#-43.
To get out a Person from Prison---------------------------------#44.
To Untie any Work------------------------------------------------#45.
To Untie Two Person---------------------------------------------#46.
To Destroy A Palero------------------------------------------#47-48.
In Cuba You Never Kind of Problem-----------------------#49-51.
Bath for Love’ S Good Luck---------------------------------#52-53.
Treaty Of the Four Nganga-----------------------------------#54-55.
This person’s that I’ m about to Mention----------------------56.
Treaty Of The Tambula(Mariaguana)--------------------------#57.
Tambula for the Gangulero----------------------------------------58.
Treaty for the Retired Person above Nganga--------------#59-65.
These Are The Fourteen signature Madre Agua----------#66-79..
I am Ging to go Ahead Ans Say Something to ireteunfa-#80-82.
History Repeats Again----------------------------------------#83-84.
The Treaties Of Briyumba Cannot be Chand--------------#85-87.
Treaty Of Centella Ndoki And Zarabanda-------------------#88-96.
Chistopher Columbus never was who discoverd anything-97-101
In my visits to Cuba-----------------------------------------#102-104.
Bath For Love-----------------------------------------------#105-106.
We are the Responsible of allwing----------------------------#107.
Firs lon the list are mrs.Eloisa Mosqueda Mothen Nkis----#108.
Another thing that I want to clear------------------------#109-110.
For the bad things, the black kuava------------------------#111-116.
This Religion Briyumba With Mayombe-------------------117-119.
When you start to talk of Stick Mayombe----------------#120-121.
Bath for Love-------------------------------------------------#122-123.
I’m very easy to be Found----------------------------------------#124.
Now, I arrived to the Unites State 31 year----------------#125-126.
All the Talk Sons Of Chango-------------------------------#127-132.
All the Religions Need Dedication--------------------------133-134.
That’s why with me no they can go whith thas Story-----135-136.
Treaty on how to Corners-------------------------------------137-138.
Treaty of the in the Laurel in the Stick of Mayombe-----------139.
Treaty Vititi Congo-------------------------------------------------140.
The Treaty of Ochanlá----------------------------------------141-142.
Treaty of bad Ndoki-------------------------------------------143-145.
About the Autor------------------------------------------------146-147.

Of the Briyumba with Mayombe Religion
I may not be the best Mayombero of this decade, but I am the most complete one in the History, because I have put all my religious knowledge in the hands of your son in laws.
So that they will learn the true Briyumba without lies or tricks. I don’t care if jealous people criticized my wisdom.
Because a gangulero its not born one, he has to become one, and he is not ungrateful With he’s elders and has shame, and now it is a pleasure to share all my knowledge with you. In my investigations I have found a lot of documents, which were taken as “lost documents” in the “forgotten trunk”, and that is the reason History has repeated again. In all Religions there are rules and logic, and it is the fundamental base of all religions.You also learn by experience, and it’s always been the mother of science.

In my childhood I was always very curious, and I didn’t never pay attention of the old saying, “the curiosity killed the cat”, but there was always someone that was saved, and that was the mouse. Because I always wanted to be like my grandfather, and because of my studies and dedication, I have accomplished my goal, not because of my age, but because of my knowledge and wisdom, those two things are tight hand by hand. Because I wanted to become a man before time and that is the reason that I like to follow all those wise man. I remember well when I was a child, the holy man and holy women, when they wanted to perform a ceremony, they used to go first to the bushes, and talk there gerigonsas. What is the difference between a holy man and a gangulero? When there is a ceremony to be performed, the gangulero goes to the bushes to cut the weeds for the mentioned ceremony, because there are many holy man that they buy there weeds for the ceremonies, without knowing if such weed have been pray to cut them. I never did understand it because I didn’t had a saint made, but now that I am a holy man I read what I pleased. There’s no one that can tell me anything. In my investigations I have discovered many documents that were considered lost in the “forgotten trunk”, and that’s the reason that History have repeated again. In all Religions there are rules and logic, and it is the fundamental base of all religions.

You also learn by experience, and it’s always been the mother of science. In my childhood I was always very curious, and I didn’t never pay attention of the old saying, “the curiosity killed the cat”, but there was always someone that was saved, and that was the mouse, Because I always wanted to be like my grandfather, and because of my studies and dedication, I have accomplished my goal, not because of my age, but because of my knowledge and wisdom, those two things are tight hand by hand. Because I wanted to become a man before time and that is the reason that I like to follow all those wise man. I remember well when I was a child, the holy man and holy women, when they wanted to perform a saint, they used to go first to the bushes, and talk there gerigonsas. What is the difference between a holy man and a gangulero?.
When there is a ceremony to be performed, the gangulero goes to the bushes to cut the weeds for the mentioned ceremony, because there are many holy man that they buy there weed for the ceremonies, without knowing if such weeds have been pray to cut them. I never did understand it because I didn’t had a saint made, but now that I am a holy man I read what I pleased There is an old saying that goes like this: I withdraw my word, but my thought is still the same. But we still have to give a lesson to those stupid godsons, who ever children they are, criollismo of the santeros. Formerly the godparents and the godmothers were visiting the Babalaos. The babalaos were extracting the Guardian angel of there future adopted godson and crowned them saint that said Orula; this was done for many years, which was always a very sacred word.

What nowadays many godparents and godmothers do the opposite, due to the fact that was what Orula said. For example he said that the Guardian angel of this person is Chango, and the godmother or the godfather is son of Ochun.

They change the guardian angel to the person and make him another saint, that come in desire to the godparents not to lose there godson, without importing anything for them. Going on overhead from the sacred word of Orula, can you believe that reader? You think this is the right thing?Then, this person is wretch for the rest of his life, only to probably say, “I have another godson”, but later the problems come for the godson, and his bad situation increases more every day. Then the first thing they will do to him its ifa. Without knowing if orumila will accept him in the great field of respect, what many will do for making money, they will do what they want, and there are not even times the very same orula knows that such person will do ifa, because its not he’s path. They think that performing ifa, all their problems are going to be solved, if they already betrayed the word of Orula from the beginning, how can orumila accept this. Knowing well that they have betrayed the guardian angel of the person, later they believe that doing him ifá remedies the problems, and situation of the godson. That’s why we are were we are, everyone must accept what god has given us, it is not less true than the only real children of orumila are all the sons of melli. But now in this new millennium they make anyone Ifa, without carrying who falls.
That's why I am gangulero and breeze that the wind takes. Since orula send signs of curses to these persons, why? Because these godparents knowing that they were doing things bad from the beginning, and later they want the godson to pay the broken plates, and it happens often here in the U.S.A, because the things that orula said are not done. Because the fact is that here there is a lot of power, but it’s the godson that gets bother, later it is those persons that dump the saints as it has happened in several occasions, and the saints are not guilty of anything, but those godparents who commit these barbarian errors with there godsons, and the fault never appears. Before everything I want to clarify that I am not babalao, but know of this religion. It does not matter for me how they want to call me, only I say that the truth of the religions, and I even give up what I do not have.
Domingo B.Lage was born in Havana, Cuban.
He started practicing Palo Mayombe Religion more than 40 years ago in Cuba and the United States, better known as Ntuala Kongo. Grandson of Diego Lage Tatandi the Centella Ndoki Kiribamba media noche (El Konguito). Son of Dominga Lage, (Omi Lana), Madre Nkisa de Madre Agua Tumba Loma Vititi Congo. He has Elewa made 17 years.

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