Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Treaty of Obba and their Love for Changó.

Their father Obatala told to Obba that was already the moment to choose husband, and that taenia that to guide its life, because its teachings had been productive that he wanted to see it happy. Changó and she met each other, and to the moment ua attraction, a majestic, deep love arose.

Although he lived with Oyá, a woman of very similar hefty personality to that of him, wise Changó that the attributes, benefits and qualities that aportarîa Obba to its marriage would make of his an even more powerful Kingdom.At the beginning, their union happy fué. Changó accent their adventures with Oyá and he/she was devoted entirely to Obba. In their palace it was breathed kindness and tranquility. Obba went down every morning to the river to meet with its sister Ochún, and both they were its small secrets, while they took a bath in the sweet ones and cristlinas waters, with its pececitos of colors and its hairless Chinese.

For moments, erán like appearances veiled in the rainbow of the cascades. Oyá, from far you saw them and it could not contain the envy, because that woman is so beautiful. And besides, it mates his, achieved habíia what she had never reached with their charms and sorceries; to marry Changó.

It thought a lot how to reconquer the love of Changó who didn't leave it with their rescuerdos calm. And put to bed under a millennial jagüey, he/she had the fatidical dream of the vengeance. In spirit, he/she moved to the habitation of the ikús and the deads, and the desert of the cemetery, where the wind toward silvar the glasses of the trees and the strident screeches of the birds of preys were heard, he/she found Oyá the solution to reconquer the lost love and he/she rested for the first time in many days.

The following morning, fué to the encounter of their sisters in the river; he/she conversed and he/she had a good time with them, and you wins the trust of Obba, so frank and sweet. However, he/she didn't deceive Ochún who suspicious, it alerted their sister ochún sobreoídos the estraña behavior of Oyá, but Obba he/she didn't lend him/her hearings.

Frequently, Oyá gave Obba some recipes of the favorite foods of Changó that the youth, smartly cooked for her husband.

Until one day in that the only thing that taenia Obba was flour of corn. Oyá told him/her.Don't worry, you will solve as I made it me once. He/she intersects the ear, he/she gets ready it with flour of corn and the sasona with all the condiments of grass."

That day, Yanzán wore a handkerchief of nine colors that it covered him/her the ears. To Obba, he found very strange, but in their desire to please their man, he/she hurried to intersect the ear, and he/she prepared him/her with her a delicious mangar. When Yanzán saw that he/she was brought near Changó he/she transformed into a flash. In their happiness without you limit, it razed with their fire it leaves of the forests.When arriving Changó at their palace, he/she found the table prettily prepared with having adorned of red flowers. He/she hugged their wife and he/she asked that it is necessary of eating, because he/she brought a very big hunger.Obba served him/her its favorite plate, which he ate with pleasure, although without stopping its wife to observe, to who found estraña. When noticing that Obba took a handkerchief it sews that it never used, because Changó loved their long braids and its silky hair, it asked him/her him to take off the handkerchief. When seeing their wife that he lacked an ear, I ask him/her, trembling and with rage, because he is perfect in its beauty.

Apologize Mister reader that me apart from this topic, maybe it is the appropriate moment to make my surgerencia like Writer and Historian in Hidden Sciences:

Why if Changó is perfect? , "because there is santeros that make him/her sacred to people with physical and old defects, he/she doesn't believe you that iyendo is been for up of the histories and the treaties.

Clarifying that I don't have any type of damage since with people that have physical impediment, neither age majority, my biggest concern like Writer, Santero, and Gangulero is to take care of all the people that can them somehow perjidicar by reason of necessity and ignorance.
Apologize reader (ra), I will continue with this pretty history.

Non contesia a woman with defect to their imperfect side, then if he doesn't support a person with defect to their side. Obba summarizes the deceit of Oyá.

I return and I repeat it, because it is that they make this way to their children. Because I have known people's cases that have made him/her sick Changó of the mind, they don't believe you that that is not a lack of respect toward him, and that has made it so that the centevos doesn't leave. .l hugged for it finishes time, and he told him/her that her serious the verdaero love of its life, but he/she would not have more relationships with her, although it respected it for its sacrifice and always serious the first among all. Embarrassed Obba, but it reigns you enter the queens it visited their father Obatala and while he/she walked toward their father's palace their you cry they sprouted leaving to their rake a mighty river that razed with everything to their step, when being consoled between rocks (matari) and trees (ofrima) unrestrainably.

The jagüeyes (katembe) the ceibas (kunalumbo) the palms (ñanga) and the ácanas curved to greet the you cry poured by the torn heart (nchila) of Obba.

Obatalá, when contemplating Obba that thanked him/her as much as he/she had thanked him/her for their divine dons, he/she understood the betrayal of Oyá and the great deception of Obba who non compredía the human falsehoods. For that reason him him consedio what their daughter" requested him/her;

I want to leave well lejo, Obba told to its father, where nobody can see me.

I want the tranquility of the no existent, I want to live with the deads, and with the spirits (mayobe bulemba mumio nfuiri), with those that cannot harm me any. In the cemetery it will be, and for command of Olofi (zambiampurgo), it is her who confirms the death and entrance to the cemetery (kunalemba), the funeral to the human beings, from that moment the real obba house is the cemetery, it is not certain meno that he/she also lives in the banks of the rivers in a treaty. There are people that receive Obba, and they don't make him/her a ceremony that you/they should make him/her in the cemetery, he/she also stops to give knowledge to Obba that so-and-so (to) their daughter will receive it austed, and I won't go now into detail.In my next edition I will speak the because to the one that you/they go him/her to make Ochún with orún for Obba it is necessary to take it to the cemetery.

Excuse and taking advantage of this literary opportunity to express me and you bill dén that any son of Changó Obba should not surrender to anybody, and they make it, if truly the only ones for command of Obatala can give it they are his children, of Ochún, Obba, Elegua, Orggun, and Ochosi.

Before everything I apologize again, but I continue. From now on from now on my house will also be the cemetery." He/she thanked another time to their father and fué to say goodbye to their sister Ochún who received in their jumbled river with great feeling you cry them of Obba.

The two sisters united more for always, you forms a great whirl in which Obba moved of the world from the alive ones to the world of the deads, and he/she left Ochún who in the it advances serious the only one taken charge that it could communicate with her of their matters in the earth of the orichas. Obatala, so that Obba could live in peace in its new house, I give him/her a dagger of fine steel with having seized wooden adorned richly in gold silver and precious stones: a small ship so that he/she moved to where she wanted; a compass with the four cardinal points of the astral hemiferio, of those which absolute serious dueñ; an armor like protection of all the wrongs.

A cart to hide after her and to avoid to be bothered; a book in representation of their knowledge and teachings, and a catalina, symbol of the divine power.
All this was made wooden of ácana, very hard, and useful against all the maleficios and maldicones. From that moment, the moorings, the witchcrafts and the incantations magic facts through Ochun would not never loosen, then because some santeros says that the daughter (or) of Ochún cannot be lined, if the only and true owner of the powders is (Chola) that in representation to the Catholic saints is the Charity of the Copper (Ochún, not you because some santeros, is said and you against they say. The certain thing of everything is that they violate the histories for their own conveniences. Obba lived happy, because he/she knew that she was the only and true wife of Changó and nobody could occupy its place in the Kingdom of the orichas. As we can see in this history; Oyá betrayed Obba, and non Ochún like they say many.

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