Sunday, July 18, 2010

To know the history of palo briyumba with mayombe,

To know the history of palo briyumba with mayombe, Those interested in the history of the afro-cuban religions as practiced in Cuba. These books are written by professor of afro cuban religion and practicing Tatandi of Palo, Santo and Abakua.

You will learn the secrets of Palo mayombe. How to make and understand the treaties of working with the nganga, history and origin of the mpungos (nkisis), and much more.

Below is a list of subjects that will be discussed in the 21 Libros.

Palo, Mayombe, Briyumba, Santo, Kimbiza , Abakua, Mpungos, Malafo, Nsunga, Nsusu, Menga, Nganga, Lucero, Cobayende, Zarabanda, Sambranu Nsasi, mpemba, Saulembe Kongo, Congo, Kongo, Santo Cristo Buen Viaje, umbanda, Macumba, Nkisis, Nfuiris, Nkiza, Tata, Tatandi, Ngueyo, padre, Bacofula, Mayordormo, MNunanso, Nfinda, Campo Lemba, Campo Nfinda, Mumba, Kunabanza, Kunallanda, Catilemba, Lemba, Ntoto, Nsulo, Carire, Ngondo, Ntango, Bantu, Kalunga, Centella, Ndoki, Gurunfinda, , Mayaka Kongo, Ndiame Ofuca, Cheche Ofuca, Matende, Domingo Lage, Entuala Kongo, Mbele,, Diambono, kaguete, Dilanga bombolombo, Nsila, Nchila, gangulero, Katiikie, Sala Malekun, Malekun Sala, Sala Kiamboto, Fama Kongo, Dambala, Chola Guengue, Madre Agua, Sisngoma, Simbiako Kumba, Siete Maria, Lutete Lubamba, Oficio Kongo, Santero, Ifa, Chango, Vela, Cabo Rhonda, Monte, Yimbula Nkisi, Tambora, Fula, Patimpemba, Firma,

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