Index History Has Repeated Vol. IV..
It is fascinated-----------------------------------------------------------------5.
Preface----------------------------------------------------------------------6 –7.
Signatures of Brazo Fuerte-----------------------------------------------8-14.
Signatures of Centella Ndoki---------------------------------------- –15-35.
Signatures of Dambala--------------------------------------------------36-51.
Signatures of Tiembla Tierra-------------------------------------------52-72.
Signatures of Kuballende-----------------------------------------------73-92.
Signature of Dambala---------------------------------------------------93-95.
The Ozain of Zarabanda ---------------------------------------------------96.
Work to Merry a Person----------------------------------------------- 97-98.
Treaty when you have a bad godson--- ----------------------------------99.
Treaty to prepare a Kundembata--------------------------------—100-107.
I dedication.---------------------------------------------------------------- 108.
I am Goingo----------------------------------------------------------------109.
The Signatures--------------------------------------------------------------110.
Treaty of the Mambos (songs of stick)----------------------------111-115.
The stick is a stick--------------------------------------------------- 116-118.
History has repeated------------------------------------------------- 119-121.
This are the Mambos of Lucero—---------------------------------122-128.
Work to Un-Tie a Person-----------------------------------------------136.
For the Enemies------------------------------------------------------ -----137.
To take someone out of Jail---------------------------------------------- 138.
To Un-tie any Work -----------------------------------------\-------------139.
To Join Two Person--------------------------------------------------------140.
To fight, when you have reasons-----------------------------------141-146.
Religious Alert--------------------------------------------------------147-148.
False religions------------------------------------------------------------- 149.
Sala Kiamboto.
It is fascinated
It is fascinated to know something of the un-known of Briyumba Congo, it is an African religion, that hides multiple secrets and mysteries still un-known in the western world. The respected entuala kongo of the Briyumba Congo religion, Mr. Domingo B.Lague who have investigated the great secrets and mysteries of this religion, was able to reunite the greatest people of the Briyumba Congo religion.
On the 26th of September of 2003, one of the great events in history took place of the Briyumba Congo religion. It was done what in the fifties could not be done, when we tried to do the Kanayombe, but because of the lack of knowledge this could not be done. This 26th of September it was a reality, today we joy of satisfaction, and I was able to do this. I gave to Pedro Sanchez Bueno (bebe), faculty father of Zarabanda Loma Brava Lemancongo Briyumba, my knowledge, and to Jose Alberto Espinosa, faculty father of Sambranu Nsila Lemankongo Congolemba Briyumba. These persons were present: The respected Doctor Fran Martinez, tata nkiza, and Alberto Espinosa, Ricardo Alba, father nikisi Zarabanda Siete Empaca, and one of the best timberos in California. In this recognition of these two persons, we paid the earth all the necessary rights to do this ceremony.
Pomona, CA.91767-(760)265-9070.
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