Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Let me identify me my name is Domingo B. Lage,

Let me identify me my name is Domingo B. Lage, but as a writer known in Copyright my name is Entuala Kongo, am find the charlatans and those sponsors who get into the private lives of their godchildren, for years I have been fighting to the profane, those people suffering outside, as writer have to tell the truth, I do not deny the cross of my parishI am Cuban and I would not like anyone, to my own race or play with the religion as susciamente, also are the works that happen to people to find their cents to do their things, is enviacion or brujeria, so these corrupt religious quieten the money since 2000 I have been writing and abriendole eyes peoplethat this country is full of charlatans, lying and proifanonos. Well now present you my son # 26 http://www2.xlibris.com/books/webimages/wd/palibrio/381459/buy.htm

As the pollution of the great mayorias of generally in Chicago, they just want to make money with nganga empty, when I say empty is because so, it seems that they do not know that the basket fund live all the powers, i.e. a nganga with only sticks and land, these are generally, (now I wonder these inept sabran will more than our ancestors)that is to say scrap that aren't or purchased in the traces of iron. I am certain that if they resurrect become to die, due to these guasas guasas, guyilangas who have questioned his wisdom on the ground. Honorable Ganguleros pogamole a up here has such trash call religious. Even they themselves know the many lives that were lost crossing the African continent to reach the Caribbean, it disgusts me when I hear we are or we are not, for these short words are very few which may hold, when I hear that a boy wants to learn gives me great pride and I am the first to help you so that it goes forward, but the profane hate them, is are the first that have criticized my writing, because it is very difficult for them feeding of the easy, (to live there are jalan scribble my congo) (760)265-9070 (323)707-9316




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