Sambakankiza mutilanga
Este escandalo deshonesto y ridiculo me hizo escribir este libro; Titulado Busque su Suerte Ya, para que las personas resuelvan sus problemas en su casa y no tenga que ir a la casa de estos religiosos sin escrupulos, que nada mas hacen jugar con la fe de projimo. Si donde usted mismo (a) va encontrar su suerte, no solo eso, sino tambien tiene obras donde usted puede defenderse del enemigo. Bueno no le digo mas. La instrucion la guiara como resolver sus propios problemas, ya estoy cansado de tantos e-mails que aljunto sus quejas, no solo de este personaje titulado el Reverendo.
Soy un escritor que no me escondo para sacar a la luz publica a estos mentirosos y profanos que estan mancando esta religion. Todos aquellos que haya caido en malas manos que me llamen o me escriban, que yo lo publico en mi revista (760)265-9070-E-Mail; y sin miedo de que me vean, como este titere fanfarron hay muchos. Por esta misma razon hay que sacarlo de la fila de los ganguleros honorables. Este libro tiene de todo, asi se los digo. Entuala Kongo.
Hermanos estas son las cosas un Reverendo brujo de NY y su tratado fantasma..
This dishonest and ridiculous scandal made me write this book; Titleholder Looks for his Luck Already, so that the people solve their problems in their house and she does not have to go to the house of these monks without scruples, that any more make play with the fellow faith. If where same you (a) go to find his luck, not only that, but also has works where you can defend yourself of the enemy. Good I do not say to him but. It would guide instrucion it like solving its own problems, already I am tired of so many e-mails that aljunto its complaints, not only of this titled personage the Reverendo. I am a writer who I do not hide to bring to light publishes to these lying and profane ones that they estan mancando this religion. All those that fallen in bad hands are that call to me or they write to me, that publish I it in my magazine (760) 265-9070-E-Mail; and without fear of which they see me, as this puppet fanfarron are many. For this same reason it is necessary to remove it from the row of the honorable ganguleros. This book has of everything, therefore I say them. Entuala Kongo. Brothers these are the things a Reverendo wizard of NY and his ghost treaty.
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