Tuesday, January 21, 2014

testimony of an editor

Many children envious of anyone, drainers Facebook, such as women and hide in fear, those who call themselves man and does not come to know him locked in their house, that do not give nor sun, dear reader qualifier which will you can put those religious bastards, say you, thugs and malandrinas who have never known that they spend as little bells, proving that good things have made it say that I get paid when I do any good, that's not true because when about saving a life, I'm always ready. But when it comes to a luxury have to pay me, because I do look and now.
If you want to know more visit here this testimony

The Cat Black African (Kongo Entuala)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

LembaNkita - excoboard.com

Disfrutenlo todos ustedes, ya que me voy a salir de facebook los quieros ha todos


Friday, January 10, 2014

Blog WorkDigital - Inicio

Ahora en este nuevo Ano, ya todas mis obras están en formato digital en seis Idiomas. Si deseas mas información puede visitar la pagina web side.www.elbrujoentuala.net, no solo se relajara sino también tenemos varios vídeos que estoy seguro sera de su agrado.

Libros y muchos mas como el afamado libro. Titulado (Un Marielito en el Ombligo del Mundo)

Now in this New Year, and all my works are in digital format in six languages​​. If you want more information you can visit the website side. www.elbrujoentuala.netnot only to relax but also have several videos that I'm sure will be to your liking.

Books and More as the famous book. Titled (A Marielito in the Navel of the World)

Monday, January 6, 2014

No dejen de visitar esta pagina para que no le cuenten

      Si usted lector se encuentra navegando por las redes sociales que no se olvida visitar aquí, https://www.facebook.com/Botanicayliberia?fref=ts.
Aquí se deleita de música. Videos y hasta restaurante con comida criollas de Cuba. Y mientras espera que le sirvan, tiene la sección de revistas para que lea y no cojas lucha.